Langt størstedelen af Advokatsamfundets internationale arbejde ligger i CCBE (the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe).
The Danish Parliament runs a Danish EU information centre. The centre provides a vast amount of information on Denmark and EU including the Danish opt-outs. You can find further information and contact details here.
The website of the Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU also contains a lot of information on decision procedure.
For information on the Danish Parliament, Danish democracy and legislative procedure in general please consult with the website of the Parliament.
For information on the Courts of Denmark, please click here.
For general legal information for EU citizens, businesses, lawyers and judges please refer to the e-justice portal.
The Council of the Danish Bar and Law Society is a member of the following associations:
•Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE)
•International Bar Association (IBA)
•International Criminal Bar (ICB)
•International Legal Assistance Consortium (ILAC)
•The president of the Council of the Danish Bar and Law Society (member of delegation)
•The secretary-general of the Danish Bar and Law Society (member of delegation)
•A member of the Council of the Danish Bar and Law Society (head of delegation)
•A staff member of the secretariat of the Danish Bar and Law Society (information officer)
Denmark has held the presidency of the CCBE on three occasions, most recently for the term of 2009 when lawyer Mrs. Anne Birgitte Gammeljord was the first female president of the CCBE.
For further information on Danish representation on CCBE committees and agenda and objects of the CCBE, please see the website of the CCBE, which also offers a subscription service on newsletters etc.
•The president of the Council of the Danish Bar and Law Society (IBA Council member)
•The secretary-general of the Danish Bar and Law Society (BIC Permanent liaison officer)
•A member of the Council of the Danish Bar and Law Society (IBA Council member)
For further information on IBA, please visit the website of the IBA, which also offers a subscription service on newsletters etc.